GMO Foods: Greed Before Health and Honesty
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GMO Foods: Greed Before Health and Honesty

Stop GMO sign

GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms, otherwise known as genetically modified foods, genetically engineered foods, GM foods, Pharmacrops and Franken-foods. There is an ongoing debate about whether or not these GMO foods are dangerous to our health. There are also debates if these actually help the farmers grow more and better food.

GMO Seeds

The benefits of the GMO seeds are that they are supposed to produce better drought, disease, and weed resistant plants. The dangers might be nothing or everything, it depends on whom you read and talk to.

One of the most popular genetically modified plants is corn. These GMO plants produce their own pesticide in the form of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). 

Farmers have been using this as a form of pesticide for many years. The difference is that in the GMO plants the Bt is designed to be more toxic and unlike the spray, cannot be washed off the plants [1].

At the grocery store, you see signs that say “no pesticide residue”. The pesticide isn’t on the outside of the plant or food; it is on the inside of the food. This doesn’t mean that GMO crops aren’t also sprayed with pesticide and herbicides, in fact, they are. So now we get pesticide and herbicides on the food and in the food.

Testing and planting of these new seeds started in the late 1980s. Between 1996 and 2004 worldwide GMO crop planting expanded to 167 million acres, which is 25% of the farmable land. The first GMO foods hit shelves in 1997.

The biggest name in this field is Monsanto (recently sold to Bayer), which not only makes and sells chemicals of all kinds but also sells GMO seeds. 

They make a product called Roundup; many of us might have used it at one time. It kills weeds, grass and anything you spray it on. It is good for killing weeds in the cracks of a driveway for example. And it does this job very well.

This product also is used to destroy drug crops in Colombia and is, of course, harmful to animals and humans. 

In 1995, Monsanto came up with what they called Roundup Ready (RR) soybeans, special gene inserted bacterium that allows these soybeans plants to survive after being sprayed with Roundup. Monsanto comes up with the poison and the anti-poison seeds. It appears 85% of these GM foods are designed to survive heavy and more toxic pesticide and herbicide spraying.

GMO Seed Laws in Iraq

For centuries in Iraq, farmers would use, reuse and trade seeds every season. In 2004 before leaving, Iraq Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) administrator L. Paul Bremer III enacted numerous new laws, one of which is called Order 81. Order 81 states “Farmers shall be prohibited from reusing seeds of protected varieties or any variety." [2]

What this says is that farmers cannot reuse seeds from any new plant varieties registered under this law [3]. Who owns the seeds to the new plants, Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer and Dow Chemical do. They would have to buy new seeds from these seed sellers.

The law further states that any seeds that are used have to meet requirements under UPOV laws, which means their saved seeds might not be legal to use, so they have to buy these new ones [4]. These seeds are also copyrighted under intellectual property laws so the GMO seed companies get royalties as well.

They also have what are called “terminator seeds”. That means they render sterile seeds after the initial planting, they cannot be used again since the plants new seeds are sterile. The farmer has to buy new seeds for next year's crop. Farmers can no longer save their seeds like that had been doing for centuries.

GMO Seeds Do Not Work as Promised

Do these genetically modified plants work like they are supposed to? An April 2006 report from the USDA says that GMO crops do not increase the yield and may even decrease [5]. Several studies have shown that the RR soybeans yields were lower.

In five different studies of RR soybeans, it was found that the plants were unable to uptake nutrients in the soil, leading to increased disease susceptibility [6]. It’s not only soybeans but studies with maize and cotton are not working every year.

The yields are down and the disease resistance wasn’t there. The 2008 United Nations’ assessment of world agriculture concludes that genetically modified crops have very little potential to alleviate the world’s poverty and hunger problems.

GMO Seeds and Our Health

The fears are that no one really knows if these foods are harmful since long-term testing was never done and they haven’t been on the market long enough. 

Using genetics to make weed and disease resistant plants could cause weeds and plant diseases to become resistant to our current herbicides and pesticides much like the overuse of antibiotics has caused penicillin resistant super-bugs to appear.

There is a growing concern that the increase in certain health issues like asthma, inflammation and food related allergies in children could be caused by these new GMO foods

If you put a gene of something someone is allergic to into a simple plant like a tomato, will that person become allergic to tomatoes as well. Soybeans are the number one GMO crop, and there is some type of soy or soybean oil in many foods.

Those against GMO foods site numerous studies showing that GMO foods are harmful to rats, mice and people. Toxicity studies show these GMO foods toxically affect several organs and systems [7]. I did not include the studies and the findings because the citations were lacking.

Scientist Arpad Pusztai’s was fired from the Rowatt Institute after publishing a study using genetically engineered potatoes, where he found precancerous growths in the digestive track, retarded growth and immune system defects in rats and mice. 

Interestingly, after his studies were completed, these GMO potatoes never went on the market [8].

The proponents of GMO foods say that these genetically modified foods are the same and sometimes more regulated and tested than the non-modified plants and food. I’m not sure that is saying much.

GMO Labeling

Americans are denied the right to know which foods we buy are GMO. Most Americans wanted these foods labeled and the past three presidents denied us that. Former President Obama, at the time, said that he does want these foods to be labeled. The food manufacturers and the grocery store lobbyist are of course against the labeling of GMO foods.

Their reason is because no one would buy those foods, if they were labeled as GMO. If they are so safe then why are they so against the labels?

But labeling could be impossible as some foods might be contaminated with GMO foods. In 2006 a bioengineering company reported to the FDA that they have detected bioengineered rice may have entered the feed and food supply of the United States [9].

I am concerned by the way farmers are forced to use and reuse the genetically modified seeds. I am concerned about these companies basically taking over our food supply.

Many people have become concerned about the conflict of interest with so many former Monsanto employees becoming employed by the various US government entities that are supposed to be watching our food.

And how many of the former FDA and EPA and other important government agency employees go and work for Monsanto and the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO).

And the US is pushing this on other countries in the guise of foreign aid for food with the Global Food Security Act of 2009 (S. 384 sec. 202) that mandates genetically modified food research while more farmers around the planet are starting to reject GM foods altogether. [10].

The Global Food Security Act was never enacted and a new bill was introduced in 2013 [11].

I find it hard to believe anything Monsanto claims as to the safety of our food considering it was they who gave us Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) in our milk and said it was safe along with the EPA, USDA and FDA. 

And plant food is just the beginning, genetically modified bugs, omega-3 fatty acid producing pigs and a vaccine in a banana could be next.

Unfortunately, I have more questions than answers. What happens if this is found to be harmful, then what. The seeds and cross- pollination already has occurred, how will anyone know what is in our foods. 

I believe in research and science, but there is something wrong about the way GMO foods are being pushed on everyone.

I urge you to do your own reading about the safety of GMO foods and they are only about greed for the companies involved. The better informed on the subject of where our food comes and its safety helps all consumers make healthy food choices.

About the Author

Sam Montana is a certified Food Over Medicine instructor from the Wellness Forum Health Center and certified in optimal nutrition from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Copyright © 2010-2018 Sam Montana


1 A. Dutton, H. Klein, J. Romeis, and F. Bigler, “Uptake of Bt-toxin by herbivores feeding on transgenic maize and consequences for the predator Chrysoperia carnea,” Ecological Entomology 27 (2002): 441–7; and J. Romeis, A. Dutton, and F. Bigler, “Bacillus thuringiensis toxin (Cry1Ab) has no direct effect on larvae of the green lacewing Chrysoperla carnea" (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae),” Journal of Insect Physiology 50, no. 2–3 (2004): 175–183.
3 Iraq Coalition Provisional Authority Order #81 
5 Fernandez-Cornejo, J. and Caswell, 2006
6 Motavalli, et al., 2004; Neumann et al., 2006; King, et al.,2001; Bernards,M.L, 2005; Gordon, B., 2007
7 Soil Association
8 Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners
10 Global Food Security Act of 2009
11 Global Food Security Act of 2013
Seeds of Destruction: The hidden agenda of genetic manipulation by F William Engdahl ISBN: 9780973714722 0973714727
GMO Foods: Greed Before Health